Whether you want to identify your vehicle's location, check-out a driver from an assigned vehicle or find the closest vehicles to a job site, you can do that all from within Slack by using simple commands.
You have to be an Organization Administrator to enable Slack. The integration provides simple commands (explained below) for all your Slack users or a restricted set of users. It also allows you to post important events occurring to a specific Slack channel (all variations of Automile notifications are supported).
Step 1
Log in into to the Automile App at https://app.automile.com/login and go to settings and select Integrations on the left menu and click Add to Slack.
Step 2
You will be presented to either login to your Slack team or if you already are logged in, you will be presented a screen to grant Automile access to your Slack team.
Please select a channel that is convenient for automatic notifications for your fleet. This will not affect the custom slash commands since they are available across all channels in Slack.
Automile will ask for access to your team profile since this is used to allow you to restrict access to the custom commands per Slack user.
Don't worry. Automile will NOT be authorized to retrieve any e-mail address information from Slack. Neither do we store or process information about Slack users. We only store the Slack name/s so you can restrict access to your users for certain commands (see step 3).
Step 3 (optional)
After you successfully installed the Automile app you will be redirected to the Slack settings page at Automile. Unless you specifically select the users to grant access, Automile will respond to the custom slash commands for all Slack users. So it is important that you set this appropriately so you can grant access to certain commands to the appropriate users.
Step 4
You can now try out the custom slash commands:/vehicle /driver /closest
Please note for tips and help in Slack you can use /automile help
a) /vehicle
Example: /vehicle 7GDC324
(this will search for all vehicles containing 7GDC324 in licence plate, VIN and nickname)
This command helps you to search vehicles by license plate, VIN or nickname and get their location, checked in driver.
b) /driver
Example: /driver jens
(this will search for all drivers containing Jens in first-, lastname or email)
This command helps you to search drivers by first-, lastname or e-mail address and which vehicle they are currently checked into.
c) /closest
Example: /closest 291 Alma Street, Palo Alto, 94301, California, United States
(this will search for all vehicles that are closest to the address and list their distance and travel time to the address)
This command helps you to search vehicles and drivers closest to the address. The result will contain the travel time and distance to the address based on the current traffic.
Step 5
The interactive buttons will help you to carry out small actions directly in Slack. We currently support 'checking out' drivers directly in the /vehicle and /driver commands.
Step 6
Configure notifications to send alerts to the Slack channel you selected in step 2.
That's it. You are all set. Hope you enjoy Automile and Slack experience.