When you order through our website, Automile will automatically link all devices to your account before shipping your Automile Box to you. In the event that you somehow need to register a device through the desktop app, here are the instructions:
NOTE: You will need the Box in front of you to register the device.
Log into the desktop app at:
- Click on "Vehicles" from the navigation bar.
- Click "Add New" at the top right-hand side of the window.
- In the box that appears, select "Link Box to My Account".
- Enter the IMEI and Serial number in the text boxes.
- Click "Link Box to My Account".
You're done! The Automile Box is now registered to your vehicle. You can now install it in your car and start tracking.
For assistance with the installation of the Box, read our article here. If you need additional assistance, feel free to reach us at or (415) 749-9270