Places are points of interest for you as a driver. Places can be used to categorize trips automatically, as well as to name frequently visited places instead of their street address in your trips log.
Click the Edit button next to any Place to change these settings.
To add a new Place:
- Click "Add New" on the top right corner of the page.
- Enter a location on the map, and click and drag the points on the circle to assign a radius to your location.
- Name the place (Home, Office, etc.), assign vehicles, save, and you're done.
- New trips to/from this location will then display the custom name first, so you can easily recognize the travel.
You can also automatically categorize the trips based on the place by selecting the checkbox 'I want to categorize trips based on this place'.
If you have any additional questions about adding or removing Places, please contact Automile support via or (415)749-9270