Automile offers peace of mind to know if vehicles are where they should be when they should be there. You have the option of being made aware when a device is disconnected. Here are the 3 different options to choose from when selecting how to be notified when a device has been disconnected:
- Device Disconnected
- Device Connected
- Device Heartbeat Disconnected
What's the difference?
1. Device Disconnected is simple, you will receive a notification the instant a device is disconnected. Whether the vehicle in question is running or shut off, a notification will be sent. Read on to understand how to set the notification up:
- Go to "Notifications" in the left hand nav-bar
- Click "Add New" in the upper right hand corner
- Select "Automile Box" as device type and "Device Disconnected" as notification type
- Choose the vehicle to assign the notification to
- Select how you want to receive the notification under destination type and the corresponding destination
- Click "Save" and you will be notified!
2. Device Connected works by notifying you of a disconnect only after the device has been disconnected and then reconnected. Along with being notified of a device being reconnected, you are able to view how long a device wasn't connected (after it has been reconnected) in the reports section of the software. Remember that this notification is ONLY if the device has been disconnected, and then reconnected.
The steps to setup this notification are similar to above.
3. Device Disconnected Heartbeat works as follows... The device is programmed to communicate its status once every 24 hours, even when the car is shutoff. So no matter the reason, the device is sending a signal to the server of its activity and location. If the device hasn't communicated to us in 24 hours, we assume the reason is because the device has been unplugged (service can also be a factor - read more about the Map here). The Device Heartbeat notification will alert you after 24 hours has passed if the device has not communicated in that time frame.
The steps to setup this notification are similar to above.
If you are still not receiving updates and your Box is connected/installed properly, or you are experiencing other difficulties, please feel free to contact us at or (415) 749-9270.